Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

"Fully Booked"

This is the first time something like that happens to me. So far I also don´t know any other colleague who has had a similar experience: Our trade mission to Libya in February is fully booked. Already one week ahead of the  deadline we had to close the registration. For administrative and security reasons it is not possible to handle more than 25 companies (meaning around 40 people).
During the last week I had to decline another approx. 20 companies who wanted to participate. They have to be faster nest time (in November). Sorry guys...
Libya is hot !

2 Kommentare:

  1. Da passt die heutige alarmierende Reisewarnung des britischen Außenministeriums ja wie die berühmte "Faust aufs Auge"

  2. Schon vor Tagen hatte Libyen seine Grenze nach Ägypten für alle Ausländer geschlossen, offensichtlich in dem hilflosen Versuch, das Eindringen von Islamisten zu verhindern.
    Frankreich hat mit seinem Kampfeinsatz in Mali offenbar einen neuen Kriegsschauplatz im gesamten Nordafrika eröffnet, der Islamisten aller Herren Länder wie magisch anzieht.
