Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Opening of Libya Youth Center

On May 8, over a year of hard work got rewarded: The Austrian energy group OMV financed a youth center for the treatment of traumatised children and youngsters. Hilfswerk Austria International, an NGO, was entrusted with implementing the project. Since a couple of weeks children have registered at the youth center and are trained by professional social workers.
Of course they also had a small performance during the official opening ceremony and it seems they all felt more than comfortable in their new environment.

Senior Vice-President David Lattin of OMV during the ceremony, Vice-Minister for Education, Dr.Khoja, and Secretary General of Hlfswerk Austria International, Dr.Heidi Burkhardt together cut the red ribbon.
It is indeed impressive, how, within only 6 months something real could be established. 

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